Julienne 1 tomatoe, 1 leek, 1 or 2 cloves Garlic, 6 shiitake mushrooms and as much red chili as you want. Saute lightly with some coconut oil or butter and 2 tsp of lite organic tamari for about five mins and bring to low heat. Bring water in a kettle to hot.. not boil. In a separate bowl add half cup of organic miso paste and hot water and mix until clumps are out.. add miso mixture to pot you don't want to bring your miso to a boil so keep it med/low heat. Finely chop one Umeboshi plum or 1 table spoon of Umeboshi puree that comes in a jar. Add plum to soup with some chopped Cilantro.. taste your soup (it will be strong) and add more hot water until its you desired taste and consistency. Serve. This is packed with nutrients and warms the soul. Umeboshi plum paste might be new to you.. I was lucky enough to get some homemade plums straight from Japan from my friend Minako. I also buy the paste and use it in dressings and soup broths.
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